Standards & Criteria for iGaming

The 9 standards and 48 criteria for online gambling sites including online casino, instants and sports betting are the benchmarks that guide the accreditation process. Indicators and metrics are used to define the standards and criteria in greater detail through the process. All standards for iGaming are listed below, along with their associated criteria.

iGaming: Integrating online sports betting & lottery 

RG Check’s enhanced online accreditation standards turned challenges into opportunities. By looking at areas unique to online gambling such as Accounts and Payment and Stakeholder Engagement as new standard areas, we can focus on providing more meaningful, relevant, and actionable recommendations.

As online gambling offerings and sports betting continue to expand globally, it is more important than ever that sites have the right RG policies and programs in place to provide player education and effective safeguards for the prevention and mitigation of gambling harms for this unique player base.

RG Check Standards for iGaming sites has tackled this expansion by integrating online sports betting and lottery offerings into its assessment to better reflect an omnichannel reality and provide operators with recommendations to navigate the nuances and challenges of responsible gambling that exist with emerging and new platforms. In addition to the areas of enhancements to RG Check standards made to land-based, the update to RG Check for iGaming involved adding two new standard areas.

1. RG Policy, Strategy and Culture

The site and operator demonstrate awareness of the harms caused by gambling as well as prevention and mitigation measures. Issues are addressed with integrated policies, strategy, and culture-related measures.

  • Criteria:

    • Commitment to Responsible Gambling: Policy statements outline corporate expectations and make a clear commitment to addressing harms related to gambling as well as mitigation and prevention measures.
    • Strategy for Responsible Gambling: The corporation has a strategy for preventing and mitigating harm with defined objectives and a clear plan of action.
    • Responsible Gambling Culture: Leadership sets a tone from the top that establishes responsible gambling as an organizational priority.
    • Responsible Gambling Integration: Responsible gambling is an integrated part of all job functions.

2. Employee Training

Employees understand the importance of responsible gambling and how their jobs impact player protection as well as the fundamental concepts of responsible gambling and problem gambling.

  • Criteria:

    • Reflecting Corporate Commitment: Employees understand the operator’s commitment to responsible gambling and how it is integrated throughout operations.
    • Understanding Key Problem Gambling and Responsible Gambling Concepts: Employees understand the harms associated with gambling as well as essential prevention and mitigation concepts.
    • Understanding Job Skills and Procedures: Employees are taught skills and procedures required of them for assisting players who may be experiencing harm from gambling.
    • Systematic Approach to Training: All employees receive mandatory training which is refreshed regularly.
    • Key Learning Principles Applied: Training involves a dynamic approach to learning including accommodating different learning styles, practice scenarios and regular reinforcement of concepts.
    • Training Evaluation: Training programs are regularly evaluated to include current best practice research and employee feedback.

3. Self-Exclusion

A well-managed and communicated self-exclusion program is in place that facilitates access to supports.

  • Criteria:

    • Self-Exclusion Policy: A comprehensive and support-oriented self-exclusion policy is in place and available publicly.
    • Promotion of the Self-Exclusion Program: The self-exclusion program is well-promoted.
    • Registration Process: The self-exclusion registration process is efficient, well-managed and support-oriented.
    • Ban Length: Players have options in term length.
    • Advertising Restrictions: Excluded individuals do not receive any advertising or promotional materials.
    • Access to Support Resources: Excluded individuals receive a wide range of information about where to get help.
    • Program Conditions: Clearly-worded information about the conditions of the program and consequences of breaching is provided.
    • Return to Play: There is a process in place for excluded individuals to safely return to play.

4. Assisting Players Who May Be Experiencing Harms from Gambling

Assistance for players who may be experiencing harms from gambling is readily available, systematically provided and documented.

  • Criteria:

    • Policy and Procedures: Policies and procedures are in place to assess, detect and address situations where players may be experiencing harm.
    • Responding to Help Requests: All employees are knowledgeable about a variety of help resources and are able to provide that information upon request from players or affected others.
    • Responding to Players Experiencing Harm: Systems are in place for employees to respond appropriately to a player in distress, in crisis or disclosing a problem.
    • Responding to a Player Disclosing a Problem: Clear protocol is in place and staff respond appropriately when a player discloses they may have a problem with gambling
    • Identifying and Responding to High-Risk Behaviour: Systems are in place to identify and respond to players at risk of experiencing harm.
    • Documenting Interactions: Player interactions are tracked and assessed. This information is systematically used to assist players.

5. Informed Decision Making

A systematic approach is used to support, integrate, and disseminate information to enable players to make informed decisions and encourage safer play.

  • Criteria:

    • Availability of Information: The site provides easily accessible information that helps assist players in making informed decisions about their gambling as well as how to access help resources.
    • Gambling Literacy Information: Information is provided on how games work and about common misconceptions.
    • Low Risk Gambling Information: Information is provided about lower risk gambling behaviours including how responsible gambling tools work.
    • Problem Gambling Information: Information is provided about gambling harms as well as the variety of supports available to players.
    • Responding to Players: The site has designated player information and support services and employees are able to provide players with specialized information regarding their play (e.g., self-assessment, play management tools, support services, etc.)

6. Marketing Communications

Marketing, including advertising and promotions, does not mislead players, misrepresent products, or target potentially vulnerable players.

  • Criteria:

    • Marketing Policy: A policy is in place that commits to marketing that does not mislead players, misrepresent products, or target potentially vulnerable players.
    • Screening Process: A screening process is in place for all advertising to ensure adherence to the policy.
    • Not Misleading: Marketing communications do not reinforce misconceptions about gambling.
    • At-Risk and Minors: Marketing communications do not target at-risk groups or promote risky behaviours.
    • Marketing Controls: Precautions are in place to limit marketing communications to high-risk players.

7. Accounts and Payment

Account registration and money services are provided in a responsible manner.

  • Criteria:

    • Account Registration: The site’s terms and conditions clearly inform players about legal age requirements, responsible gambling, and player protection.
    • Underage Gambling: Precautions are in place to prevent and detect underage gambling.
    • One Account: Players cannot have multiple accounts on the same site.
    • Account Information: Players can easily access their account information including play history and time and money spent.
    • Deposits: Deposit methods support player protection and harm mitigation.
    • Accessing Funds: Access to funds support player protection and harm mitigation.

8. Site and Product Design

Site and product design helps prevent extended, continuous and impulsive play and enables low risk play behaviours.

  • Criteria:

    • Restrictions on Play: Products and the user experience are designed to promote breaks in play, avoid excessive play and track the passage of time.
    • New Game Screening: All new games are reviewed from a responsible gambling perspective.
    • Gambling Literacy Features: Gaming products do not reinforce myths and misconceptions or encourage risky behaviour.
    • Limit Setting Tools – Spend: Players can set a variety of spend limits, including deposits, losses, etc.
    • Limit Setting Tools – Time: Players can set a variety of time limits, including time-outs, time spent, etc.

9. Stakeholder Engagement

The operator is committed to working with stakeholders including players, agencies, and researchers to collectively assess, improve and address the harms associated with gambling.

  • Criteria:

    • Stakeholder Consultation: The corporation has a systematic approach of stakeholder identification and engagement to prevent and mitigate harms.
    • Community Agencies: The corporation works collaboratively with prevention specialists and treatment providers to promote, improve and advance problem gambling treatment, education and prevention.
    • Players: Feedback is solicited to understand player awareness and knowledge of RG and PG concepts, resources and tools.
    • Researchers: A commitment to RG and PG research is well documented and systematically applied by the corporation.

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Accreditation Process for Venues & Online

Casino operator considering accreditation?

Find out about the standards and criteria for land-based venues.

Venue Standards & Criteria

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